3KND joined a northern suburbs roundtable with Shadow Minister for Families and Community Services, the Honourable Linda Burney at SPAN Community House, 64 Clyde Street Thornbury on Friday 7 May 2021.
3KND's Communications Officer Erica Higgins and Specialist Journalist Hayley McAdam along with many organisations from the Wills and Scullin electorates along with Member for Wills, Peter Khalil and Member for Scullin, Andrew Giles, spoke of the urgent need to support smaller grass roots organisations helping the community in the recovery phase after the long lockdown.
It’s been a crazy 12 months. So much is new, so much is uncertain and so much needs to be done. Linda, Andrew and Peter were given a lot to take on board from the heartland with what local organisations delivering see as pressing in the next 12 months.