3KND Koori Idol 2019 saw a good crowd attend this years NAIDOC event. From 4yr olds to the open division they sang, laughed and told stories to a mob that clapped and cheered till it hurt. A live to air broadcast on 3KND had listeners calling to add there vote to the competition.

Charles Pakana MC’d the event with Aunty Rieo making sure it was all on track. Mr. NAIDOC Chris Saunders, Sports Person - Marissa Williamson and Miss NAIDOC - Yirgjhilya Lawrie judged and then served lunch to children and adults throughout the day.
3KND would like to thank all those that took part and our VIP guests the Mayor Susan Rennie and Deputy Mayor Suzanne Newton of Darebin council and the amazing staff of DNECH. Yamba (Robert K Champion) who performed and entertained the crowd and lastly Stuart McFarlane Aboriginal engagement officer from darebin council and our guest judges who added to this being another successful Koorie Idol.