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Farewell Isaac Muller from the 3KND Team

Isaac Muller has been with 3KND for over a year. In that time he has embraced his role as a broadcaster/ journalist with passion and enthusiasm like no other. Isaac is a proud Wiradjuri and Palawa man born and raised on Wurundjeri land. Isaac is studying Media and Communication, majoring in Industries at Latrobe Bundoora. He has been the host of 3KnD’s ‘Midday Rush’ Mon-Fri creating a space for positive connection while playing current pop music on air.

Isaac's connection to culture and people is evident through his involvement in several Aboriginal programs; the 3-year Warran Warran Maar program, AIME, Global Indigenous Management and more. He had built a relationship with people from different professions that has helped him in the field of communication. Isaac leaves 3KND to take up a position with ABC in broadcasting and look out for you will see and hear of him around the ABC network.

From all your family and friends at 3KND we wish you well under the watch of Bunjil.


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