A historical decision made on Saturday 11th of July between The First Peoples Assembly of Victoria and the State Government of Victoria will see a strengthening of the relationship to recognise the historical wrongs and impacts of colonisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Victoria.
During the Assembly’s June Chamber meeting a resolution was passed by the Assembly to pursue negotiations with the State for a Truth Telling process to be established. This is a result of decades of activism on Treaty and Truth here in Victoria and across Australia.
A terms of reference will be drawn up by the Assembly after community driven consultations are held across the state.
Assembly Co-Chair Aunty Geraldine Atkinson says the historical impacts of colonisation have traumatised her people here and Truth Telling will bring the community together to heal.
The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Gabrielle Williams MP says the decision will build a stronger foundation for a relationship going forward, a shared future and better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.

First Peoples Assembly Co-Chairs Aunty Geraldine Atkinson and Marcus Stewart and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Geraldine Williams MP join Kirstyn Lindsay to talk about the decision and their hopes on for the truth telling process.
