Aunty Margaret Clarke is a Muthi Muthi woman, born and raised in Victoria and lived in South Australia (S.A) for many years and has dedicated her life to supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in education, out-of-home care, community services, health and aged care: “My family is of the Muthi Muthi clan, bordering Victoria and New South Wales. My Indigenous heritage comes from my Dad’s side (Clarke) and my mother was non-Indigenous”.
Aunty Marg is a very special guest on The Big Brekky show this morning from 8 am to talk about the upcoming Victorian Aboriginal Aged Care & Disability Summit in October.
Margaret was married in S.A. and her only child was born there. As many girls born to working-class families, she left school at 14 and was sent to work. She returned to school as a mature age student in 1979, and in 1990/1991 completed a (coursework) Master’s Degree in Education. She returned to Victoria in 1993 and has worked in Victorian Aboriginal (metro) community organisations for around 25 years.
The last 9 years Margaret has worked in Aboriginal aged care, both at the Aborigines Advancement League and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO). Her passion for genealogy in particular, her Aboriginal family history. She has a need to find out who her ancestors are who for her determined her Aboriginality, culture, spirit, morals and of course her genetics.
In the last 25 years she was a Board Member of VACCA, Stolen Generation and ACES.
Aunty Marg was inducted into the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll in 2019.