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Barada and Darumbal ladies talks about Generations of Men-An epic film of Culture and Country.

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Barada and Darumbal Elders Aunty Nicky, Aunty Margaret and Sister Lani talks about the film "Generations of Men" that will be screening Saturday at the ACMI Building in the City at 1pm

Generations of Men is a short film inspired by the legacy of poet, environmental and indigenous rights activist Judith Wright, in particular her works "Generations of Men" (1959) and "Cry for the Dead" (1982). With Judith Wright's daughter, Meredith McKinney's permission, we have spent the past four years collaborating with Barada and Darumbal Indigenous Councils to create a multilingual short film featuring the people and language of the land on which the story was set. We were funded by Screen Queensland's RiDE initiative and despite Covid-induced set backs were able to shoot in January 2022. This film would not have been possible without the generosity of the Central Queensland community.

Director, Joyanna Joy Statement

Generations of Men was given to me by my father when I was 14 years old who told me that despite it’s name, it was actually all about the women. It’s with that lens that I read and adapted Generations of Men and The Cry for the Dead.

This film is an achievement and a testament to community strength. It was developed over four years, shot during the Omicron variant outbreak and features Barada and Darumbal cast speaking their language on screen. In fifteen minutes a Generations of Men audience witness an epic display of Culture and Country. Generations of Men is a testament to the powerful women of our history and the hardship of the home front. Its female gaze is inspired by the written works of poet Judith Wright, a Australian woman who was ahead of her time advocating for environmental and First Nations rights.

Its dialogue was created through cross-cultural collaboration with Barada and Darumbal elders. Its production shot on the Country that the historical story was set. It features a heavily researched birth scene that does not look away from the strength and gore of the female experience. Through the eyes of our young protagonist we see the wider historical and political context women have had to navigate.

Dedicated her life to preserving Darumbal culture and language. Having learned from her own elders, Nyoka carries the wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations. As a Darumbal language keeper, she ensures the Darumbal Language is alive and present in commnity. Through her efforts, this respected elder ensures that Darumbal culture thrives, Darumbal language lives on, and our community remains rooted in the traditions and wisdom of our ancestors.

Margaret Hornagold is a Traditional Owner of the Barada, Kabalbara and Yetimarala people from Central Queensland on her fathers’ side. Margaret has worked in and across Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy and service delivery for over 40 years. This is in both the private and public sectors. She supports life-long learning and holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts along with a Diploma in Business and a number of other certificates.

A Darumbal culture and language teacher, embodies the legacy of her elders and old people, embracing her role as a torchbearer of her heritage. With a multifaceted approach, she skilfully combines various artistic mediums such as videos, photography, storytelling, and scriptwriting to creatively express herself and truthfully depict Aboriginal culture. LeLarnie's creative endeavours are driven by her unwavering commitment to truth-telling, ensuring that Aboriginal culture is authentically portrayed and celebrated.

Her contributions as a culture and language teacher, coupled with her artistic talents, make her an influential figure in promoting understanding, appreciation, and respect for Aboriginal culture.

Screening date:

Saturday, 19 August 2023, 1:45pm at ACMI 1

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