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#BlackLivesMatters Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People Coming Together in Solidarity

A Day that Victoria spoke loud and clear for all to hear. #BLACKLIVESMATTER rang out and a Nation listened!

10-15 thousand attended a rally on the steps of Parliament House where speaker after speaker shared there stories of injustice by police, the system and governments past and present. Elders, community and all nations came together in solidarity with #ONEVOICE “Enough is Enough”..

From Desert, Fresh Water, Salt Water and Internationally all came together in Solidarity, adding there disgust at what for generations atrocities have taken place on coloured peoples of the world. Over 430 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have died in police custody and there families shouted Loud and Clear for it to #STOP

This March and gathering was respectful and non violent. Lastly Uncle Talguim spoke to the large crowd and chanted #ICANNOTBREATHE with thousands adding there voices as it echoed down the city streets of Melbourne.


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