New Zealand based rock trio, Capital Theatre have released their new single, “People” today.
The music video for “People'' takes place in an art gallery where the art comes to life during the band’s inarguably powerful performance. Accompanying the single release, the band also launched an NFT art exhibit that features memes from the video.
Selected works will be auctioned later next month with proceeds donated to Auckland City Mission.
Produced by the legendary Mike Clink, lyrically, the song is inspired by Shakespeare’s famous quote from “As You Like It,” saying, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”
The song and video lean heavily into theatrical themes but with the incorporation of digital art comes a unique standoff between the traditional and futuristic. Indeed, the digital currency and artform nowadays is a far cry from the stages and characters Shakespeare could have ever imagined.
The track is the ultimate rock song with a driving guitar intro layered harmonies and all of the dynamics you’d expect from the band’s signature style. The single defies the standard song format in its lack of a repeating chorus, vocalist and guitarist Roy Oliver points out, “in the first version we had a chorus that would’ve been catchy as hell, but the way the song evolved feels much more true to who we are.”
Discussing the NFT’s in the video vocalist, pianist and guitarist, Adam Stevenson said, “NFT artwork is selling for millions, being bought using inflated crypto currency owned by meme-stock investors, this is an age of true Capital Theatre. So naturally we’ve jumped onboard. We spent two days filming real actors on set, only to digitise them into NFTs.
We do see real potential in releasing music and its associated art as NFTs and will keep exploring these avenues for the album release,” he concludes.
One of the most exhilarating new forces on the global rock scene, Capital Theatre who creates the rare kind of rock music that triggers both raw catharsis and intense reflection. The ambitious New Zealand trio strive to reinvigorate the power of storytelling in rock, and they are Adam Stevenson (vocalist/piano/guitarist), Paul Reid (vocals/drummer) and Roy Oliver (vocals/guitarist).