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CEO of SAFESTEPS Rita Butera explains why we need to end Gender Based Violence

Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. UN Women explains 10 ways you can #orangetheworld and make a difference during the #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, and every day, even during the #COVID19 pandemic. In Australia, intimate partner violence is the greatest health risk factor for women aged 25-44. And this year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria has recorded the highest rates of family violence in our history. This is #WhyWeWalk today. #WAFV2020 #IDEVAW2020 #16Days

Every day at Safe Steps their Crisis Specialists talk to hundreds of women in Victoria experiencing family violence who need our support and our services. Safe Steps is Victoria’s 24/7 Family Violence Response Centre. For 24/7 help, call us on 1800 015 188. Web chat support available Mon-Fri, 9am – 9pm

"Today I’m wearing orange and joining the Walk Against Family Violence. Orange represents a brighter future and an end to domestic and family violence. As CEO of Safe Steps, I am privileged to work with the team available 24/7 to support the safety of all victim-survivors. I am walking to raise awareness and to say that any form of domestic and family violence is never ok. " - Rita Butera, Safe Steps CEO.

In this standing Strong Together Podcast Rita catches up with Natasha and explains why safesteps strongly support the 16 days of activism, especially this year through the covid 19 pandemic.


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