Listen in to learn more about the wonderful craft of possum skin cloaks with Yuin artist Gina Bundle.
Gina has been working hard at home during COVID-19 creating new possum and kangaroo skin cloaks and has gifted a small cloak to a colleague who worked on the Treaty team during the possum skin cloak making workshops. This cloak is made up of four pelts.
Creativity and culture come’s hand in hand with Gina Bundle and it doesn't stop with cloak making. Gina is a very gifted craftswoman and as a contemporary First Nations artist, Gina still works in the old world designing possum and kangaroo skin cloaks with her own special designs.
Gina shares her vision on Treaty and the culture and spirit of the cloaks as a historical document.

The state-wide creation of the possum skin cloak was an initiative of the community consultations facilitated by the Treaty Commission in the lead up to the induction of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria.
