Trent McCarthy, councillor at Darebin City Council – the world's first council to declare a climate emergency. Trent is the father of two young children and has been a leading local voice for child-friendly policies and safer streets for cyclists and pedestrians. Trent speaks on 3KND about life in this COVID-19 Environment and what he is doing to make Darebin a safer place. ”I love being part of such a vibrant, diverse and progressive community. I want to make Darebin as inclusive and sustainable as it can be and will continue to stand up for open and transparent local government.”
Trent has advocated for strong action on climate change, Council divestment from fossil fuels and a major expansion of the award-winning Solar $avers program, which has assisted hundreds of pensioners to switch to solar without the upfront costs. Trent has spoken out against developer donations to councillors, racism, discrimination against LGBTIQ communities and violence against women. A White Ribbon Ambassador, Trent believes that men must take a stand against misogyny in all its forms. A former vice president of the Victorian Local Governance Association, Trent has been a leading voice for local councils to become more inclusive of their LGBTIQ residents, from maternal child health to aged care services.