Dave Cox started playing guitar in the 70’s with garage bands and at backyard parties and finally wrote and released his first songs in 2018. Music had been a constant in Dave’s life in the background throughout his corporate and business career. His guitar also travelled with him during his nine years in the Australian Army.
That experience inspired him to found the not for profit Guitars for Vets Australia in 2017, to share the joy of music and assist veterans experiencing PTSD and other mental health issues. The organisation has now assisted over 300 veterans Australia-wide. As Dave says, “Where words fail music speaks.”
In life Dave’s mantra is “now is the time” and now this is his time to share his music and the meaningful lyrics of his songs widely.
Can’t Waste a Day’ is the name of the latest single by singer/songwriter and guitarist Dave Cox. It sums up the way we can all approach life and Dave’s own desire to pursue his musical goals. It’s a catchy, upbeat country rock song with inspirational lyrics.
The song was inspired by Dave’s chance meeting and chat with Australian musician and producer Ross D. Wyllie backstage at a concert, in March. Pondering life and the last few years of restrictions and wasted time Ross commented “that is a great title for a song”. Dave immediately took the challenge.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davecoxmusicoz