Day 1 - Tamworth Country Musical Festival 2024. The 3KND Team - Gman, Nardz, Jodii and Tangiora (Ngaarda Media), hit the ground running today, setting up the studio for our Live Broadcasts starting on Monday 25 January from 9-12.00pm.

We met up with Luke O'Shea in the Media Centre,

We met up with Luke O'Shea in the Media Centre, Ran in to Maddie Colville-Walker on the streets in the Centrepoint.

OMG it was such an amazing vibe, so many buskers in Peel Street. We watched the sunset at Oxley Lookout and visited the BIG Golden Guitar.

Keep checking our socials for all the daily updates from #TCMF2024 #3knd #TCMF #ngaardamedia
