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Deadly & Proud-Treaty Truth & Justice

This week the Andrews Labor Government launched the Deadly and Proud campaign at the NGV International, Melbourne.

Deadly and Proud is an interactive platform featuring Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians telling their story of historical wrongs from their country and life experiences as a First Nations people in Victoria.

The Deadly and Proud Launch showcased the celebration and history of the Aboriginal community in Victoria opening with a moving performance by Natarsha Bamblett and speeches by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams and Deadly and Proud Storytellers Marcus Stewart, Steven Thorpe and Phillip Murray.

The Labor State Government has launched Deadly and Proud to assist in educating the broader community on the true history of Victoria and are committed in working alongside the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria to continue on the path towards Treaty, Truth and Justice.

Deadly and Proud Launch February 8, 2021. NGV International.

Storytellers Marcus Stewart, Steven Thorpe, Phillip Murray speaking with the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and the Prevention of Family Violence for Victoria, Gabrielle Williams.

Here is a Balit Dhumba podcast from the launch of Deadly and Proud.

Photo: A stunning dance performance by Natasha Bamblett to open the launch.

Confronting the Truth -Stephen Thorpe on the Warrigal Creek Massacre.

Another component of the Deadly and Proud launch was the historical signing of the Interim Dispute Resolution between the C0-Chairs of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria Aunty Geraldine Atkinson and Marcus Stewart and the State Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams.

The Interim Dispute Resolution is a process that provides a transparent and culturally safe dispute mechanism as both parties work towards Treaty.

The historical signing of the Interim Dispute Resolution. Deadly and Proud Launch February 8, 2021. NGV International.

Minister Gabrielle Williams says there has been a power imbalance since colonisation and that this dispute process will support any difficult decisions or disputes along the way in a respectful manner.

More on the Interim Dispute Resolution on this Balit Dhumba podcast.

The Deadly and Proud campaign is part of the Andrews Labor Government's commitment to change the relationship that they have with the Victorian Aboriginal community as they support a path to Treaty.

This week in Victoria's Parliament in the Lower House we saw the passing of the motion on the Summary Offences Amendment (Decriminalisation of Public Drunkenness 2020.)

Minister Williams says this is a long overdue step in ensuring the safety and well being of Aboriginal people in Victoria and more hard work is needed to change laws that discriminate against Aboriginal people..

For the full story listen into this week's podcast of Balit Dhumba.

Phillip Murray: Racism and the Lived Experience.

Checkout the Deadly and Proud website for the interactive map and videos from storytellers and advocates supporting Treaty and Truth Telling in Victoria.

This Balit Dhumba feature was produced by Kirstyn Lindsay for 3KND


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