Wunman Njinde. Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-Operative Ltd (GEGAC) has been serving the Aboriginal and wider East Gippsland communities for over 45 years, providing childcare, cultural, education, employment, health, housing & welfare services.
GEGAC CEO Jamie Williamson after the devastating bushfire's this year said “that the safety and wellbeing of our community is a high priority, and providing support is a matter of urgency.” Not long after the community were out of immediate danger they faced a recovery from the loss and destruction caused by the fires.
No one could have anticipated what happened next. A global pandemic erupted and tough restrictions were put in to place before community were able to heal and recover. On the tail end of this incredible stressful time for Gippsland mob, CEO of GEGAC joins Natasha Ferre to yarn about some of the struggles mob have faced and how GEGAC have responded to the call.