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Ged Kearney is a Strong Voice for Worker's Rights and Social Justice in Parliament

Ged Kearney is the Federal Member for Cooper. Ged started her working life as a nurse and rose to become Federal Secretary of the Australian Nursing Federation. From 2010, Ged served as the president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) – the peak body of Australia’s union movement – where she fought for better conditions for Australian workers. Ged speaks to Gman about the action Facebook has taken and its impact plus what is happening in Canberra with accusations around a bad culture towards women in the workplace.

What's new in the seat of “Cooper”.

Ged’s working life – from nurse to President of the ACTU to parliamentarian – has been about fighting for the rights of others. She is a strong voice for workers’ rights and social justice inside Labor and the Parliament. Ged is a passionate advocate for the environment, asylum seekers, education, universal healthcare and decent jobs.

Ged was born and raised in Melbourne and has lived in Cooper for over 25 years.


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