Fiona McCormack is Victoria’s Victims of Crime Commissioner. She took up the role in July 2019. She has a long history of advocating for victims, having previously been the CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria for 14 years. She has a background in community development, education, leadership and change. She is particularly passionate about improving responses to those who experience additional barriers when interacting with the justice system.
The Victims of Crime Commissioner is independent from government and the justice system. The Commissioner can receive complaints from victims about how they have been treated by Victoria Police, prosecutions or victims’ services. The Commissioner advocates for and on behalf of victims of crime in Victoria but doesn’t have the power to intervene in individual cases.
In June 2021, the Commissioner announced her first systemic inquiry, which will focus on victims’ experiences in the justice system. The inquiry is putting victims of crime at its centre.
This includes people who reported the crime to the police, accessed victim services and/or have been involved in the court process. The Commissioner also wants to hear from victims who did not contact police or access these services and the reasons why.
A survey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who are victims of crime is available. The survey is anonymous and allows people who have been a victim of crime to share their experiences with support services and justice agencies, and what new laws, policies or programs might be needed to help victims participate in the justice system.
Alternatively, victims can be involved in an interview with the Commissioner’s staff or victims of crime who know each other can participate in a focus group.
Find out more at, call 1800 010 017 or check out the Twitter account @voccvic.