Co-chair and Members of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria join with other Aboriginal community leaders and the Yes23 campaign to share some final thoughts on Saturday's referendum and urge people to vote Yes.
This was held at the 12pm at the Atrium, Federation Square, Melbourne.
Community Leaders and supporters gathered together to spread the message why it is important to vote YES!!
Yes for unity, hope and to make a positive difference. Voting YES is about: Recognition. Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our Constitution and paying respect to 65,000 years of culture and tradition.
The 'Yes' campaign asserts the Voice to Parliament enables self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, providing opportunities to inform policy and legal decisions that directly impact them. Embedding this in the constitution would give distinct recognition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which couldn't be reversed by future governments.
Rueben Berg, Co-chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria,
Aunty Jill Gallagher, CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
Marcus Stewart, Yes campaigner
Jade Ritchie and Thomas Mayo, Yes23
Quote attributable to Rueben Berg:
"For too long Aboriginal people haven't been heard, that's why we're asking for a voice. Voting Yes shows you care about recognition, about listening and better outcomes for our communities."
Great to have many of our Members at the YES media event today in Naarm We know the power of listening, and we aim to make Voice a reality this Saturday by voting YES!