Brenda Matthews is a proud Wiradjuri woman living with her husband Mark, in Bundjalung country, Queensland.
Since 2012 they’ve been hosting cultural camps together, taking teenagers on Country.
Brenda is a mother, a grandmother, a storyteller, a writer, a speaker, an Indigenous Director and Co-Founder for Learning Circle Australia (Book School Resources), and a film director, making her feature film debut with THE LAST DAUGHTER, a documentary about Brenda’s life.

As part of her journey, Brenda penned her first book, also titled ‘The Last Daughter’, which is available to purchase now.
Having trained with Karen Thomas, a renowned speaking coach, Brenda shares her story through public speaking, booking engagements across the education and corporate sectors.

To purchase The Last Daughter: https://www.brendamatthews.com.au/#book
You can live stream at www.3knd.org.au, listen in on your wireless, at 1503 on the AM and Digital Dial, stream from any of the great radio apps iHeartRadioTuneInCommunity Broadcasting Association of Australia Radio Plus or ask Amazon Alexa to "Play 3 K N D"