Gabrielle Williams is the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Prevention of Family Violence and Minister for Women in the Victorian Government and is the State MP for Dandenong. Gabrielle is a member of the Dandenong Thunder Soccer, Emily's List Club, and the Collingwood Football Club to name a few. When it comes to Gabrielle, she is community focussed and passionate about all her portfolios.
2020 – 2021 has been a difficult year for us all. Politicians have found themselves in unfamiliar waters as Community, State, Country, and World came to terms with a PANDEMIC. The Minister returns to 3KND to yarn about Indigenous advancements during this time and what stands out in her role as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.
In terms of highlights for the year in the Aboriginal Affairs space, the Yoo-rrook Justice commission and the pathway to Treaty are at the very top. Included is the support the Minister gives to Indigenous Health, Housing, Suicide prevention, Arts, Employment. Education, Elders our Youth and much more.
Yoo-rrook Justice Commission • • • Treaty. •