The Nexus Program is providing a first of its kind pathway into secondary teaching. As a Nexus student, you’ll be supported by the Federal Government’s High Achieving Teachers Program. This means you’ll receive a small part-time salary while studying as well as access to mentoring and professional development. After the first 12 months of study you will be eligible for Permission to Teach and full-time employment as a paraprofessional in a school while finishing your studies. Nexus aims to recruit, prepare, graduate and assist in the employment of teachers in low socioeconomic schools in urban, regional and rural Victoria. As a Nexus student, you’ll receive all the benefits of our Master of Teaching (Secondary). People from culturally diverse backgrounds such as Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people are being encouraged to apply.
Jo Lampert is a professor of teacher education in the School of Education at La Trobe University and Director of the Nexus Masters pathway into Secondary teaching. Though originally from Canada she has lived and worked in remote and metropolitan QLD and Victoria for over 25 years and has a long history of preparing social justice. Her most recent work is in community engagement, and she is on several community boards including Reservoir Neighbourhood House. Jo is especially committed to increasing the number of Indigenous teachers in schools.

J-Mara McDonald is a proud Gunditjmara, Gunai and Mukjarawaint woman and health, physical education & humanities teacher. J-Mara is passionate about the role Indigenous knowledge systems and ways of learning can create inclusive education that fosters holistic wellbeing. She says that “I want to be the person that I never had in school for support and to connect”

If you'd like to learn more about the Nexus program contact Dr Lutz Hoff, Nexus Project Officer via email or phone on 03 9479 1436. To apply for the Nexus program as part of the Master of Teaching (Secondary) Download and complete the Nexus application form and save it on your device. Apply for the Master of Teaching (Secondary) Nexus at the Bundoora (Melbourne) campus, however please note that you can be based at regional locations across Victoria with some travel.
For more information visit www.latrobe.edu.au/school-education/nexus-program