Ken Taylor has the sweet task of co-ordinating the Victorian election campaign of the Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia. This is the first time the Indig community has independent representation in the whitefellah game of democracy. While our chance of gaining an upper house seat is just possible, at least we are establishing a beginning presence in the rough & tumble of politics. To further those hard issues (deaths in custody, education outcomes, indig health & housing.
Ken found a birth cert in mid 19th century on his dad's side where there is no family surname which can only be cos the authorities had my forbears down as "creatures to be exterminated" and my sweet missus has been at a couple of family funerals with a few of my paternal uncles - she says there is no question some of the brown blood is in me.
- back in 1985 I was invited to Kintore (way west of Papunya ) to meet famous dot painters in their early years, ride in the back of a Ute with 3 dead kangaroos, get asked to finish killing one who just survived a bullet, & reducing the entire host family to uncontrollable laughter watching me pump up a mattress, so far out in the western desert that I could see the curve of our ball in space when the sun went down. That short stay showed me so much but also left a zillion questions, some of which still roll around in me.
- passing thru Papunya showed such 3rd world horror created by whitefella fascism
- many years back I took the voluntary task of persuading a sharp young indigenous boy to finish secondary school. That 18 months was a wild ride & a real success, especially in the moment I pushed a little too hard & he displayed fine boxing skills with a punch past each of my ears. I just jumped in with the story about one of my inspiring heroes, admired mostly for his punches, but inspiring me by his refusal to go "10,000 miles to kill people who never called him "nigger"!"
- more ghastly I see that some will dismiss attempted genocide as part of the rich tapestry of history, BUT taking the children away is so much worse than murder.
- this crazy task of leading the Indig Party's campaign to establish & develop the IAPA towards the November election, started in a chat with Uncle Owen Whyman about red, black, & yellow copyright back before the Federal election, & jumbling along to mid-August when the IAPA finished their shout out for a Victorian co-ordinator with a note to me asking me to do the job. My extensive political experience told me it would be a joyful nightmare (& it is).
But I could only say yes to such a wonderful challenge.
At the beginning of November we are starting to have a presence in the rough sport. We have 2 very fine candidates & others considering ahead of Nov.10. Starting at zero, we can only advance, & set a better kick-off for next time.
Can they hear the thunder? I borrow from a great man.
A very grateful tenant in this Wurundjeri country - all ways was, all ways will be