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Koori Art Markets kicks off the NAIDOC 2023 - For the Elders in Melbourne

To start NAIDOC Week for another year, 3KND Broadcast Live with media partners -Art Centre Melbourne for Koori Art Markets.

Although the weather was cloudy and cold that didn’t stop the large crowds coming to check out the stalls and arts and crafts that was on sale.

Elders and community members came to check out local products and see a large variety of jewellery, shirts, cream, paintings, books and creative arts.

It was great to see so many people out and enjoy the markets, people stopping and having a yarn with stall holders. It was a great way to start NAIDOC Week with this years theme For Our Elders with many elders attending today.

Thank you to our guests that had a chat on 3KND Troy Walsh (Art Centre Melbourne Executive Director First Nations & Inclusion, John Fleming (Market Producer) and Ian Jackson (Curator).

Thank you to the staff of Art Centre Melbourne and to all the stall holders for a deadly day:

Barbs Authentic Aboriginal fine art

Minelle Creed customs designs

Paula, Gymea and Bella Mackey Creations

Cameron contemporary stencils

Lucy at Hause of Dizzy

Karrots Dreamtime collection

Blak Queens

Jinta Wanta

Wickey Creations

Cameron Benson Creations

Clothing The Gap

3KND will be broadcasting more events throughout the week.

Please check out our social media pages for more information.


3KND Keeping Community Connected


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