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Koori Women's Place supporting women experiencing family violence and more

The Koori Women’s Place is a unique cultural program based in Abbotsford. They offer a safe space for women to gather, participate in activities, share stories, or sometimes, just have brief respite from the immediate and pressing impacts of family violence.

Preventing and addressing family violence is at the core of Djirra’s work. All our programs support Aboriginal women’s journey to safety and wellbeing.

Djrra's community education and early intervention and prevention programs Sisters Day Out®, Young Luv® and Dilly Bag focus on family violence prevention by: * drawing on cultural strength to increase resilience * reducing social isolation and vulnerability to family violence promoting healthy relationships * creating awareness about the ‘power and control’ dynamics of family violence and family violence red flags.

Djirra stand firm with Aboriginal women against family violence and deliver campaigns to make sure Aboriginal women’s voices are heard, victim blaming can be stopped and perpetrators can be held accountable.

Jaynaya is a proud Gunditjmara woman who works for Djirra’s Koori Women’s Place based in Abbotsford. She has previously held roles with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) and Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission. Jaynaya is considered a role model for the work that she undertakes in respect of family violence in Aboriginal communities. She is also a volunteer board member with Boorndawan Aboriginal Healing Service. Jaynaya yarns with us about how they have been able to deliver programs and support through the pandemic restrictions, what some of the workshops were and an update on what is on for December at KWP.

For more information visit


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