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Latrobe health's Drug and Alcohol programs supporting community in Gippsland

Whilst Victoria still faces stressful and uncertain times, we have seen a significant increase in people accessing services for Mental Health, Crisis Support, Family Violence and Drug and alcohol rehabilitation. In this Standing Strong Together podcast we introduce you to Jonathan Fahey who works as a Clinical Lead – Complex Care at Latrobe Community Health Service.

Along with his incredibly dedicated team, Jonathon is caring for community experiencing drug and alcohol addiction through the Gippsland area. Jonathon shares some great information about caring for yourself through this difficult times and explains more about the practices and services. This is a very heartfelt and informative story as Jonathon offers some very wise words of encouragement and support. Alcohol and drug abuse can hurt not just the person with the problem, but their family members and loved ones too. Similarly, if you feel that your gambling habit, or that of a loved one, is becoming a problem, we can help.

Whatever the addiction, you don’t have to walk the road to recovery alone. Our team can provide ongoing counselling and care to minimise harm and prevent relapses. For more information please visit;


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