As we reflect on the 13th Anniversary of the National apology by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on behalf of the Australian Federal Government to the members of the Stolen Generation, we discuss the importance of reconnection to family and culture for those who were stolen and forcibly removed.

Link-Up have been providing an important service in bringing those removed to find their families, history and culture. In this Standing Strong Together podcast our host Natasha Ferre yarns with VACCA and LINK-UP Victoria CEO Muriel Bamblett.

Muriel Bamblett discusses this work and also the significance of the National apology and why all Australian's should stop and take the time to reflect on the 8th February.
Link Up family tracing and reunion services are available to members of the Stolen Generations throughout Australia via the national Link-Up program.
Some of these services include are researching family and personal records, emotional support when accessing family and personal records finding family members assistance and support at family reunions support and counselling before, during and after family reunions. Link-Up gives priority to first generation members of the Stolen Generations who have directly experienced removal or separation from family and community, especially those who are elderly or have urgent health concerns.
For more information please visit
Listen to the podcast here