On February 26 Aboriginal Housing Victoria launched the Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework Mana-na worn-tyeen mar-takoort-Every Aboriginal Person Has a Home. Gunditjimara.
Dr. Kerry Arabena, Chair of the Steering Committee presented the framework to The Hon Richard Wynne MP and The Hon Gavin Jennings MLC.
The Victorian Aboriginal community have worked together with State Government and housing organisations to develop the framework.
Aboriginal Housing Victoria says the initiative offers powerful insights and policy solutions that reflect community experience and knowledge and provides a 20-year agenda to fix the crisis in Aboriginal homelessness in Victoria.
The package is a $5.3 million dollar initiative funded by the Victorian State Government.
The funding will support the Aboriginal-specific Private Rental Assistance Program, community engagement activities and the exploration of future investment in Aboriginal housing.
The funding will sustain the More Than a Landlord program with life coaching and support towards education, employment and maintaining stable housing.
Minister for Housing Richard Wynne says he understands the historical injustices of homelessness for Aboriginal people and this can be overcome by working with Aboriginal communities in a spirit of genuine partnership and co-operation.
Erica Higgins spoke with Minister Wynne.
Mana-na worn-tyeen maar-takoort-Every Aboriginal person has a home has been developed to provide the opportunity for Aboriginal people to have the same access to home ownership as mainstream society.
Darren Smith from Aboriginal Housing Victoria says it’s not just about increasing social and transitional housing to address the housing crisis, over-crowding and family violence, he says the framework is about a long-term investment to turn around Aboriginal Homelessness in Victoria with home ownership as the goal.
Kirstyn Lindsay speaks with Darren Smith CEO Aboriginal Housing.
"The framework showcases artwork from Tarryn Love, a Gunditjmara Keeray Woorrong woman from Western Victoria.
The central theme of this artwork expresses the idea of various different Indigenous Nations coming together to a central meeting place to co-exist and co-operate with unity, therefore creating a strong diverse community.
The large circular shape in the centre recognises all the Indigenous voices contributing to this community and represents the sovereignty and self-determination of each of those individuals.-Aboriginal Housing Victoria."