Matthew Bronson is a Gurindji, Jawyon and Torres Strait Islander who has over twenty years extensive management and policy experience in government, justice, and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations. Matt is a graduate of Charles Darwin University Law School and Sydney University School of Medicine.

His understanding of national and Territory governance, policy and compliance context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs are a central part of my working life. Matt is a consultant specialising in: Governance, Industrial relations, Indigenous engagement and Organisational funding applications.

His Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and leadership skills in senior management have been developed whilst in the following roles:
· Assistant Director Literacy for Parents Program Early Years and Primary 2022-23 Department of Education Northern Territory Government
· Principal Policy Officer – Aboriginal policy and Mental health Alcohol and Other drugs
NT Government Department of Health
· Chief Executive Officer 2008 - 2013
Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services (CAAPS)
· NT/National Board Membership & Working Groups
Mathew has a Graduate Diploma in Health Promotions, Sydney University School of Medicine
Deakin University – units
• Organisational Behaviour
• Financial Reporting and Analysis

2000 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Admission to Practice
1999 Bachelor of Law, Northern Territory University
1988 Certificate IV Aboriginal Field Officers, Northern Territory University
1985-87 John Forrest High, W.A. Completed Matriculation
Finally, on his Professional Development…
2021 Practical Public Policy design in the NT, Australian Institute of Management
2011 Australian Company Directors
2009 Turning Point AOD Intake and Assessment
2008 Registered Training Organisation Manager,
Matthew Bronson is a high achiever and champion for educational pathways and opportunities for all. A quick thinker and open to taking on new challenges as they unfold.