We have Jacara Egan, Statewide Mental Health Social Work Educator at Centre for Mental Health Learning Victoria. Joining me live in the studio
Ngata! Jacara is a Proud Muthi Muthi and Gunditjamara Woman and Social worker. I have been a Mental health social worker for 11 years and have worked in a variety of roles in Clinical and non-Clinical Mental Health services across Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Mainstream Organisations. I grew up in Mildura, Victoria and have spent some time working in the Northern Territory before returning to Naarm ( Melbourne ) for the past 6 years. A majority of my Clinical Mental Health experience has been within roles with North Western Mental Health, including, NWAMHS CCT, Centralised Triage, and more recently IWAMHS. I am proud to see the evolution of the service and more recently contributing to that in my role as the Senior Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing clinician with the IWAMHS to create a culturally safe and accessible service for our mob prior to coming to the CMHL.
I am passionate about using my knowledge, experience and position of leadership and privilege to support and implement change to improve access and service not only to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community but for all Victorians. I believe to do this we need to engage in a strong collaborative approach utilising the principles of self-determination and co-design to support our Mental Health services to provide the best model of care and direct service for its users and their families.
When I am not busy at work I am hanging out with my two boys and Coaching with the Calder Cannons in the AFL NAB League.
