Nicole McCartney is the Victorian Chief Aboriginal Health Adviser at the Department of Health and Human Services. Nicole is a Yorta Yorta woman, from a long line of strong matriarchs and advocates for Aboriginal rights. Nicole has spearheaded the delivery of an Aboriginal Health Division that is focused on embedding self-determination and cultural safety in the Victorian health system.
Nicole brings a perspective to Aboriginal health that is built on respect, empowerment and importantly, an approach that is strong in culture. Nicole works to break down structural barriers to ensure all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can experience health and wellbeing with a strong focus on collaboration, building enduring relationships with stakeholders and the Aboriginal community controlled sector.
She holds a Science degree from Murdoch University and with significant experience with both State and Commonwealth governments, Nicole is highly skilled at navigating health policy and reform.
Over the last 15 months, Nicole has worked tirelessly to deliver a culturally safe COVID-19 health response for Aboriginal people in Victoria and is highly regarded by her peers at the Department of Health. As a proud mother of four wonderful children and a mad Tigers supporter, there is a never a dull moment in Nicole’s day. She talks about her own experience with working at home with her teenage kids but also tells us what we can do as an individual and a community to stop the spread of this COVID-19 virus and protect our elders and youth.