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Reparations, Apologies and Treaty: Samantha Alexis

3KND broadcasted live from the 20th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. Those that gathered to reflect on 20 years since the Apology delivered to our Brothers and Sisters of the Stolen Generations, 20 years of waiting; waiting for the resolve from an apology that appears unfounded; waiting on the change that will uphold the true meaning of an apology. Waiting continues to be the over shadow to that apology; that we still wait for reparation – reparation; making amends for a wrong doing and paying back those who have been wronged by a system that set us up to fail. Can we trust the Australian Government? Often a resounding – NO, from the majority of Our Mob. It is in the lack of action, lack of acknowledgement and lack of compensation that has us as a Peoples’ question the sincerity of the offers that now lay on the table. Will Treaty be a way forward?


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