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Broadcasting Industry Leaders Attend the Roadmap 2033 Leadership Forum in Sydney.

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

General Manger of 3KND Gerry Lyons attended the first of three industry sector roundtables regarding what steps as a collective are required to roadmap our broadcasting future.

Thirty-two community broadcasting leaders and other stakeholders travelled from across the country and met at the Roadmap 2033 Leadership Forum on February 23 in Sydney.

Roadmap 2033 will provide a long-term strategy for community broadcasting in Australia.

It will define the shared goals of community broadcasters and the outcomes the sector, as a whole, want to see, for stations and sector representative organisations, for listeners and viewers, staff and volunteers, and for our communities.

Roadmap 2033 will detail the steps that need to be taken and how we will measure and govern our progress as we meet the milestones on the road to our shared vision. Roadmap 2033 will also serve as a communication tool – a high-level document that helps articulate our values and strategic thinking. It will be developed by the sector for the sector.

The Forum was the capstone event of the Discovery Phase of this eight-month project. Participants agreed the sector’s purpose is to serve their communities. The group rated the environmental issues that have the potential to impact the community broadcasting sector, positively or negatively, over the next ten years.

They also heard the results of the extensive consultation that has already taken place, including 22 one-on-one interviews and ten focus groups. The participants engaged in co-design discussions around four draft themes: identity, impact, innovation and collaboration.

One of the key outcomes of Roadmap 2033 is to develop a set of shared values that members of the Community Broadcasting Sector hold in common.

The next step in the Roadmap 2033 process will see subscribers invited to respond to a discussion paper in April that will pose key questions for stakeholders to consider based on the discussions held last week and discussions with over 100 other stakeholders. Broadcasters are also invited to participate in the Roadmap 2033 Values Survey to develop the shared sector values.

The survey will be open until the end of Thursday 9 March 2023. Please feel free to share the survey with your partners involved in the sector to ensure as many community broadcasters have the opportunity to contribute as possible.


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