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State Library Victoria's New Victorian Indigenous Research Centre

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

State Library Victoria holds an extensive range of significant and precious collection material relating to Victorian Indigenous people. The Victorian Indigenous Research Centre is an exciting new community-driven initiative of the Library. The Victorian Indigenous Research Centre is a dedicated space for Indigenous people, supporting their access to the collection, services and programs, and a visible acknowledgement of their culture in the Library.

It will facilitate programming, including research programs for Indigenous people, education for schools and community programs, and will act as a meeting place for Indigenous people. Taunugurung and Yorta Yorta woman Maxine Briggs yarns up about the Victorian Indigenous Research Centre and how this will help Aboriginal Victorians.

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Or to apply for the manager role email Maxine on

1 comentario

Adam Stephens
Adam Stephens
10 nov 2023

I once read about this center, it’s just something. I have heard that they have over three hundred employees who work on scientific papers of any complexity and study a large number of papers due to the large volume of material in their library. I have always been attracted to such research works, but to write mine I still had to turn to the ghost writer website, due to the small amount of information I had. Why did I choose this particular service, because only writers with extensive experience work there.

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