The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission held consultation sessions to discuss how they can strengthen there service delivery to the Victorian Aboriginal community. This meeting was held at the Aborigines Advancement League, Thornbury where good round table discussions took place.
The Commission is an independent body. There role is to protect and promote human rights and eliminate discrimination to the greatest extent possible. There are a number of ways in which they currently do this, including through resolving complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment and racial and religious vilification. They also conduct research into systemic causes of discrimination, provide education to help people understand and assert their rights and raise awareness of human rights issues across the community. They intervene in court proceedings where cases raise issues of discrimination and human rights. As an organisation, they recognise the unique status of Aboriginal Victorians as First Nations peoples. They want to ensure that there services are as accessible and specific as possible to the Aboriginal community and that we are focusing on the issues that are of greatest importance to community members. Hearing directly from community will better help us achieve this. For more information contact Nathan Leitch from Social Compass, in partnership with the Commission. Nathan is a Quandamooka man with a strong experience in the sector.