Gunditjmara Elder and Executive Representative for South West with the First Peoples Assembly Uncle Michael Mookeye Bell talks to Kirstyn Lindsay on his support for the newly established Truth Telling and Justice process between the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria and the State Government of Victoria.
Uncle Michael talks about what it means to him as he explains how Intergenerational trauma from the genocide of the Eumarella and Convincing Ground Frontier Wars in the 1800's impacts his people.

Photo: The Guardian Newspaper -The Killing Times. Massacre sites from the colonisations of Australia until 1928.
He also speaks proudly about Budj Bim and the sophisticated shelters and eel traps built on country prior to colonisation. Sites like these truly make you truly reflect on the ancient spirit of country and people.

Photo: Eel and fish traps Budj Bim National Park. Gunditjmara country.
Uncle Michael says "looking back at those times when the massacres happened It’s hard to believe that we can sit back now and have a truth telling conversation."
He talks about the years of hard work of Elders in the Victorian community leading up to the agreement of this process and what needs to be done for children in out of home care and the criminal justice system.
He also says that the knowledge of Elders and their voice is an important part of the Treaty process and the First Peoples Assembly have identified how they can improve the connection with Elders in the community.

Winda-Mara Chair Ros Pevitt awarding Uncle Michael Mookey Bell with Ten Years of Service Plaque.
Produced by Kirstyn Lindsay Balit Dhumba Strong Talk July 22, 2020.