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Uncle Talgium Edwards Yarns With The Hepburn Shire Council

Hepburn Shire are on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung where Warrior Uncle Talguim visits often on his mother in laws land. Over the last week Uncle Talguim and Erica Higgins have had conversations via zoom with Hepburn Shire regarding the last RAP AGC with Hepburn Shire Council. On line was the new mayor Ms Lesley Hewitt and members of the RAP advisory group committee to work on our progress during 2020 and project timelines for 2021.

Conversations were also around The Blak lives matter statement being prepared, renaming of racist Jim Crow Creek to Laanebarramul Yaluk in strong collaboration with DDW corporation, progress on the memorial avenue and the Hepburn creek pool.

Both are proud to work on Dja Dja Wurrung land towards Reconciliation within the Shire region.


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