The Walk Against Family Violence (WAFV) is held each year on the 25 November, the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and the first day of the global 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. This year, thousands of people across Victoria walked ‘from home’, wearing something orange, to raise awareness and call for an end to family violence, sharing on socials #WhyWeWalk #WAFV2021.
3KND Attended to highlight the Violence against indigenous woman and the need to support the most vulnerable. The WAFV was launched in 2008 by a group of individuals and community groups passionate about raising awareness of family violence and its impact on society. Now in its 13th year, the event continues to gain momentum, drawing community support and participation at events and activities held across Victoria.

The inaugural ‘Walk Against Violence’ was held in 2008, on the first day of the 16 Days of Activism initiative. For more than a decade this major event has taken place in Melbourne’s CBD. Each year, the walk has gained momentum, drawing larger crowds and increasing interest from the community.

Those attending this year were… Lord Mayor Sally Capp, WAFV ambassadors Rosie Batty, former Australian of the Year, Kym Valentine & Tarang Chawla, Lauren Callaway, Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police, Representative for Australia, United Nations CDAW, Antoinette Braybrook, CEO, Djirra, Eleri Butler, CEO, Family Safety Victoria, Michal Morris, CEO, InTouch, Jacqui Watt, CEO, No To Violence, Jennifer Jackson, Chair, VSAC, Geraldine Bilston, Deputy Chair, VSAC, Rebecca Cook, Head of Prevention, RSPCA, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Women & Aboriginal Affairs – Gabrielle Williams.
Safe Steps is Victoria’s 24/7 family violence response centre. We provide specialist support services for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence.
Anyone in Victoria experiencing family violence, you can call Safe Steps 24/7 Family Violence Crisis Line any time of the day or night on 1800 015 188. Web Chat support available Mon-Fri, 9am - midnight at safesteps.org.au/chat