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Wayapawarr. How an Ancient Weaving practice is supporting mob through uncertain times.

Wayapawarr Watnanda Marangee means 'we all come together in a meeting', in Gunditjmara language and is a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic and it the antidote, representing Resilience, Empowerment and Transformation.

Although we cannot come together physically, this project joins community members across all ages, genders and abilities who find themselves in self-isolation, via the ancient art of weaving.

Wayapawarr project invites you to learn a traditional weaving technique, weave circular 'meeting places' and decorate your home, garden or public spaces with your woven creations. They invite everyone to engage their hands and hearts, and be part of creating a giant tapestry of woven circles to show our resilience, feel empowered and bring about personal transformation in this time of insecurity and anxiety.

Katja Nedoluha is the Creative Producer of this exciting and she says “ I really look forward to seeing lots and lots of circular woven meeting places pop up and decorate public spaces all over the country and the world! Katja joins Natasha Ferre on Standing Strong Together to explain more about this wonderful supportive project bringing people together all over Australia.


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