Our Mob as a collective look to our Elders for important decision making in the community. It is our Elders who we go to for guidance and our Elders that have authority to speak on our behalf. More and more in a modern day context we are seeing our Youth step up in to these leadership roles and use their voice as a driving force for their communities.
It is a dynamic that has a power in it; in that it gives future generations a platform to voice their concerns, build resilience and work collaboratively with Elders in a fast moving, ever-changing environment, where many of our Youth show their tenacity and thrive in; becoming the next generations of leaders, politicians and spokespeople.
I took the opportunity to yarn with one of the youngest elected members of the First Peoples’ Assembly, strong Yorta Yorta woman Natarsha Bamblett about Tarsh’s new appointment, the strong connection Tarsh has back to her community and Ancestors and some of Tarsh’s aspirations as one of the younger members of the FPA for the Yorta Yorta Nation and Treaty!
Samantha Alexis Laughton, Treaty Correspondent